Grupo Negaça Capoeira

Mestre Chitãozinho

Cambridge Saffron Walden


➡ 🎉 Batizado 2024 is on 16, 17, 18 May! 🎉

  • Mark your calendars for the Nagaca Batizado on Thursday 16 (class with special guests), Friday 17 (kids roda and batizado), Saturday 18 (adult workshops and batizado) May 2024
  • Book your tickets!

➡ New class fee structure

  • From the start of October, we will introduce a monthly payment plan.
  • This will be £35 per month for the Thursday classes (except August when we shut).
  • We will close for 3 weeks over Christmas and 2 weeks over Easter, which has already been factored into the monthly cost.
  • This is our preferred payment, as it is easier to manage and ensures we can maintain the training venue throughout the year.

Class schedule - Adults



  • All Level Adults
    6:30 - 8:00pm, £35/month or £10/class

28th Scout Hut
Flamesteed Road, Cambridge, CB1 3QU

Saffron Walden


  • All Level Adults CLASS SUSPENDED

Class Schedule - Children



  • Children class
    6:30 - 7:30pm, places available: booking required (For booking contact Manuela)

This class is recommended for children from 7 to 13 years old: the class is split in workgroups with multiple instructors.

prices for children non-members: £5 drop-in available to non-members-only for testing the class. Membership is required at the latest after 30 days since the first training.

prices for children members: £10 annual membership fee including Nakmas membership and student-to-student insurance. Term fee is £50.

Spring term 2024 dates: Fridays from 12/01/2024 until 29/03/24. Off days: Spring Half Term (23/02/2024), Easter Bank Holiday (29/03/2024), and Easter Holidays (05/04/2024 and 12/04/2024).

28th Scout Hut
Flamesteed Road, Cambridge, CB1 3QU

Saffron Walden


  • Children class (7 to 14 years)
    Closed/Planning for re-opening 6:00 - 6:45pm, (will re-open with a minimum of 6 children: for booking or info contact Manuela))

prices for children non-members: £5 drop-in available to non-members-only for testing the class. Membership is required at the latest after testing 3 consecutive classes.

prices for children members: £10 annual membership fee including Nakmas membership and studen-to-student insurance. Term fee is £50.

Golden Acre Community Centre (Possible change of venue) Long Horse Croft, Saffron Walden, CB11 4BL

More info

  • Classes for all ages with friendly, insured and enhanced CRB checked teachers.
  • Please bring water for you or your children to stay hydrated for a healthy training.
  • Please turn up on time to class to ensure you get a full warm-up and avoid any risk of injury.
  • Beginners, please wear long workout trousers and inform us of any condition or injury before training. We ask that you sign-up here to be invited to our mailing list.
  • Uniform recommended after a month of regular training.
  • Insurance required for regular training.
  • Grupo Negaça Capoeira is a member of NAKMAS.